Aug 17, 2021 | News
It’s that time of the summer where the temperatures are high, humidity is in the air, and heat indexes are well over 100 degrees. During these high temperature, it puts a lot of risk onto construction workers. It is a physically demanding job so hydration and safety is essential. Below are options we like to take and also help out others working out on the field during this time.
- Drink plenty of water
- Do not wait until parches
- Flavored drinks with low sugar are good
- Avoid caffeine, drinks with lots of sugar, and alcohol
- Every company vehicle is to have a case of water for our employees and anyone on the job-site
- Always try to park in shaded areas as best as possible
- Take breaks when needed when working outside
- Water machine in office is always stocked
- Other drink options offered in the kitchen area
- Send weekly reminder to stay to stay hydrated and cool during these hot summer days
- Pre-hydrate in the morning before you leave to work
- Drink the amount that is right for you, usually half your body weight in ounces
- Drink electrolytes
- Keep a water bottle with you throughout the day
- Set an alarm to remind yourself to drink water and take a break to cool down
- Remember to eat
In the end, construction companies must always take dehydration and heat stress seriously. That’s why P&R implements their procedures during these hotter months to make sure our staff and others onsite are saying healthy and hydrated.
Contact us today for any weather-related issues and service needs!
Jun 23, 2021 | News
Preparation is key during hurricane season. As long as you have taken the right precautions, there’s no need to worry. Below is a simple list to help guide you during this time.
Be Prepared:
- Stock up on non-perishables & water. If you can’t find water, do not worry. Fill all the items you have at home with tap water for future use. Remember to have a can opener also!
- Have gas on hand for grill use. If power is out, you’ll at least have a means to cook hot food. Try to store a 2nd gas can for emergency situations.
- Secure outdoor furniture, trash cans and trampolines. This is a must. Outdoor items can become projectiles during high winds. You don’t want to be responsible for destruction to other homes during this time and the less damage to any property is best.
- Fill buckets/bowls/tubs with water. This is mainly important if you are on well-water. If you lose power, your well will not work and you’ll have no water at all. Even on city water make sure you have some supply at hand for major outages that cause city pumps to stop working and/or contamination.
- Stock up on batteries and flashlights. No power at night means no light. Have a way to see in the darkness with flashlights, lanterns and candles; but be very careful and safe with candle use!
- Fill up cars with gas or charged. It is always a good idea in emergency situations to have your vehicle fully filled. You can use your car to charge electronic devises and it’s always best to have a way to evacuate if it’s needed.
- Charge phones and other electronics the day before the storm is to hit. Also have extra battery packs available.
Taking these simple steps to prepare for a hurricane will ease your mind and calm your fears. Our printable checklist below is a great tool to help avoid forgetting anything vital.

After the Storm:
Remember, we are here to help with any repairs or maintenance and the aftermath of Mother Nature! Our service team are quick to arrive and asses the situation and will work with you and your budget.
For our Multi-Family Property owners and/or managers without power, remember we do Fire Watch to keep your communities safe at all times. We take our Fire Watch duties very seriously and have an amazing team wiling to work through the night to do so.
Contact us today for any weather-related issues and renovation needs!
May 17, 2021 | News
Choosing a construction company to perform your renovation or construction needs can seem overwhelming.
Price and quality are often top of the requirement list. Reference and reviews can go a long way in helping you make a choice as well.
However, finding a qualified and certified general contractor is vastly important. The expertise of a general contractor who has taken the time to become licensed and insured should never be overlooked.
Important things to remember:
- Mistakes and accidents can happen
- Having the protection of a licensed and insured company is imperative for such situations
Clients should always ask for a certificate of liability from anyone who does work on their home. This certificate should name the homeowner as the insured customer, and the limits should be high enough to cover the cost to replace the entire home (not just the cost of the project that’s being done). That way a client knows they are protected in the event damage is done to their existing property. For example, if a contractor was to leave a battery charging overnight, and the battery or charger was to catch fire, causing the entire home to burn down, the contractor’s liability insurance would cover the cost of those damages, as well as replacement cost for the clients belongings. If a contractor does not have proper insurance, a client would be left to battle with their own homeowner’s policy holder, and they may or may not cover those losses.
Mark D. Senior Estimator at P&R Property
What does it mean to be licensed, insured and bonded?
It means the company has taken the steps to become a licensed business.
They have taken out liability insurance and made payments to a surety company for protection. Liability insurance protects you, your family and your home from personal injuries or property damage.
In other words, the contracting company you have hired are accountable for any damages that could occur under their guidance.
Licensed contractors have been trained to understand and meet all requirements set by the city council and federal government. They will pull the required permits for each project and schedule inspections to make sure your home meets and passes all safety examinations. Having the correct permits is invaluable when it’s time to sell your home.
When a client hires a licensed general contractor, they can be assured that the GC has a deep understanding of all building codes and requirements. Unlicensed contractors would not be able to pull permits, so a client would be at their own risk when hiring these potentially unqualified people.
Mark D. Senior Estimator at P&R Property
Tips for choosing a reliable and trustworthy general contractor:
- Check the Better Business Bureau for reviews at
- Check references and ask for prior customer reviews
- Shop around; Secure at least 2-3 bids from different companies
P&R Property Group is here for YOU
P&R is a fully Licensed, Insured and Bonded contracting company.
We’ve taken care to ensure that everything we do has the correct protection for all of our customers and employees.
We know that finding a reputable company that cares about its clients is hard. Therefore, we’ve taken the proper steps to become the company you choose for all of your renovation needs. Reliability, trust and open communication are our top priority.
Feel confident when you contact us for your quote!
Feb 16, 2021 | News
This year marks the 10th anniversary of our amazing company. It has been such an adventure and one we are very proud of. We wanted to take this time to reflect back over the years and remember how far we have come.
How P&R started:
Damian & Camron were friends for many years before starting the company. They were working as Superintendents when they first began to discuss the prospect, but eventually they both moved on to work different jobs. Keeping in touch throughout the years, they never forgot their dream of starting a construction business together.
When the recession hit, it seemed the perfect time to build a company that would be viable in many construction sectors while being as recession-proof as possible.
“First, we had to sit down and sell our business plan to our future CFO, my wife Lisa, which none of what we have created could be possible. While she worked her full-time job, she continually gave countless hours, as she does today, to develop and run our complete financial foundation.”
After deciding on the company name, getting a logo made and officially registering the business, they were set to go! Major networking, taking any jobs available, which included painting and mowing lawns, they worked tirelessly to get P&R Property off of the ground.
From a little run-down office behind a feed store, to the new office with 20 employees in Downtown Apex, the company has continued to grow year after year. Learning & evolving over time and always trying to live by the values of Respect, Integrity & Transparency.

P&R continue to strive to give back to their employees & the communities they live and work in. Constantly remembering to show appreciation for what they help the business to achieve.
Looking to the future:
“10 years has gone by so fast and we have grown so much, yet there is so much more we want to achieve. We welcome new challenges and strive to get better every day so we can watch what we have created evolve to a business of strength for the next decade to come.”
We are truly thankful to all of our loyal customers, employees & families – Here’s to the next 10 years!
Jul 2, 2020 | News
These last four months have been nothing short of madness for us all. We’ve seen businesses temporarily closed and others that have had to shut their doors permanently. It has definitely been a roller-coaster of emotions with many drastic changes.
We have tried our best to continue our high standards of work and to follow all safety precautions that have been set. Our team has taken the time to stay informed with our regulations, and for that we are thankful.
We know these times are difficult and our norm will likely never be the same. We still hope to be your go-to for any personal or business related contracting work and continue to add new customers to our portfolio.
During the Pandemic:
- Screened porch requests have been on the rise and we have enjoyed renovating & building these extra living-spaces; creating another room to spend quality time in while also adding equity to your home.
- We have maintained our relationship with our Multifamily Construction and hope to keep our quality of work as great as possible. Apartment repositions and general service requests/maintenance work are always a high priority.
- Our new Disinfecting Services has got off to a great start and we are thankful we can bring this service to our customers at this time.
- Our workload continues to stay steady with renovations and new additions. We look forward to our business growing as the country opens back up.
Looking to the Future:
- We have an updated website coming very soon which we are quite excited about. Easier to navigate and with extra information, the website should be a great new asset to our continued growth.
- We are finishing up some larger renovation projects that have taken a longer period of time to complete. We can’t wait to showcase the before & after photos that are always impressive.
All in all this pandemic has taken its toll on everyone; and we are no exception. But with the strength and determination we all carry within us, we know that we will all come through this with a new perspective and a greater appreciation.
Contact us anytime: 919-908-7341
Apr 15, 2020 | News
We know this last month has been very tough on most of us. Crazy new schedules that are mostly being conducted from home and learning to live with what is our new norm right now; it can drive even the calmest of us a little crazy.
There are things to look forward to though and we want to help keep your spirits high during this difficult time.
Remember, this won’t last forever.
Try to keep positive and look to the future, imagining all the fun things you can do soon. Sit down and talk with your loved-ones about any future ideas or plans. Create a list of things that each of you would like to achieve, a “After Pandemic Bucket List” of sorts!
- Plan a vacation for the upcoming year. Get everyones opinions and come to a conclusion that makes the whole family happy.
- Talk about future goals that you’d all like to achieve. Maybe take up a new hobby or an outdoor activity you’ve never tried once the stay-at-home order has been lifted.
- Plan some updates or renovations for your home or yard. Think about what you’d really enjoy having added to your life right at this moment, which would help ease the circumstances we are in now.
- Research a new look. Once the salons are back open, a new cut or color can be an exciting and fun experience to look forward to.
We also want to take this time to keep our customers (past, present & future) aware that we are always here and there are many ways we can still be useful to your home or business needs.
We’ve seen a surge in requests for certain amenities and add-ons, all while keeping social-distancing and health & safety at the forefront of our minds.
Some Things to Consider:
- Summer is well on its way! Having your HVAC system checked and tuned-up before the hottest days of the year are here is a great idea.
- Windows, roofing and siding can all be done with minimal invasion to the interior of your home.
- Screen-in those porches. Creating a safe, secluded and bug-free area on your deck can completely change the space. It’s like adding a whole new living-area to your home. We can add a roof and screens and even custom pieces if wanted.
Don’t forget:
We are a full-service general contractor and can do just about anything! These strange and uncertain times encourage us to help you even more! We offer competitive prices and will strive to give you a great deal, follow all safety protocols and the do best job we can.
We hope this temporary time can be spent with your family, making plans and making memories along the way!
Call 919-908-7341 or Message Us, any time.